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A story of hope and dignity set against against the stark reality of serious mental illness.




According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 5 people suffer from some degree of mental illness. 

When family and friends are added to that number, the potential audience for The Puzzle Factory is enormous.

But not only that, who isn't looking for a message of hope?


Marketing Allies are groups who want to promote greater care and dignity for the mentally ill.

The Puzzle Factory will build a network of allies who spread the message of the film through their social media followers.


The Puzzle Factory will engage the talents of well-known artists, actors, and influencers

to build broad public awareness and anticipation for the film.


Communities &

Civic Groups

Shareable media and engagement resources to help groups mobilize your members to serve the mentally ill.

  • Build bridges around the common need for hope.

  • Avoid the culture wars.  Work Together.

  • Engage Christian, Muslim, Jewish and other faith communities.

  • Involve Civic and Social Organizations

Groups will share outward facing content (videos and promotional materials) through their social channels.

Inward facing content (study and teaching materials) will help members engage with allied service organizations.


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Art, Ad Campaigns & Music Videos

Showcase the humanity and gifting of artists who suffer from mental illness through art and music videos featuring well-known artists who struggle with mental illness.

Artists across all genres will help spread the word through their social media followers. Ad agencies will create media for partner organizations.


Example:  Music Video featuring Nathaniel Ayers (of The Soloist), David Krusen, and members of the LA Philharmonic members


We will also encourage a movement of user-generated content from artists who face the challenge mental illness.

Social Service

Organizations & Housing 

The Puzzle Factory will create marketing content to help social service organizations raise awareness of the issues faced by those with mental illness.

The Puzzle Factory movingly portrays the humanity of "the least of these."
There are 90% fewer beds for the mentally ill now than in 1963. Many now end up homeless, dead or in prison.
There is a growing national outcry for reform.
We will create The Puzzle Factory  branded or tagged marketing content for organizations such as The Salvation Army, Teen Challenge, and doctors' organizations to gain exposure for the issue and the movie.


& Radio

We will partner with concerned journalists who champion mental illness issues. Newsworthy content about the film, social service partnerships and the creative input of artists who suffer from mental illness will be picked up by additional news outlets.

  • Susannah Cahallan author of Brain on Fire

  • Steve Lopez The LA Times journalist and author of The Soloist

  • Alisa Roth author of INSANE (MPR/NPR)

  • Kenneth Paul Rosenberg author Bedlam

Film Festivals

We plan to submit The Puzzle Factory to top-tier international film festivals.

We plan to apply early and in collaboration with our allies to take maximum advantage of current high interest in the topic of mental heath.


We will enter The Puzzle Factory in key festivals to gain exposure and potential distributors.  Our Social Service partners and artist connections should strengthen our appeal.


Actors and Influencers

We will attach well-known actors in remaining roles and connect with influencers to build pre-release awareness and interest.

We hope to attach A-list actors in remaining roles.  We have two well-known international actors attached - Nick Wilder and Arath de la Torre. 
We are reaching out to social media influencers who share an interest in helping the mentally ill and are drawn to our redemptive message of hope.
The Puzzle Factory related music videos (art by people with mental illness) and social service partnerships will give the movie broader exposure and build anticipation for the film.



We can't fix everything.

Ask anyone who's had a friend or family member who suffers from mental illness.

But we can offer greater care and dignity.

We can see our brothers and sisters who suffer as precious members of the human family who offer us the great gift of helping us become more human.


Gold Addy Winner for Best Photography Campaign in the Nation

©  Silker Studios

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